
This glamour model is called Teresa May and people are very confused

This glamour model is called Teresa May and people are very confused

Andrea Leadsom quit the race for Conservative party leadership on Monday, leaving Theresa May as the only remaining candidate.

On Monday David Cameron confirmed that May will be taking office as early as Wednesday, becoming the UK's second female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher.

Understandably, the news caused quite a buzz on social media, particularly Twitter:

Teresa May as "swift operator"

There was a quote pulled from history to demonstrate the consequences of her leadership

Some even questioned Teresa May's mandate

There was just one problem with the trend...

This is Teresa May, a glamour model:

This is Theresa May, soon-to-be Prime Minister of Britain:

Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty

Do you see the problem?

Teresa May did, and after being tweeted at one too many times, she wrote:


More: 11 people with a bigger mandate to run the country than Theresa May

More: Why Andrea Leadsom supporters are very angry with a Cardiff bookshop

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