
This dad's response to daughter 'crying' over a boy is hilarious

This dad's response to daughter 'crying' over a boy is hilarious
Picture: Daleynee/Twitter

Navigating the mine field of modern dating can be difficult.

And if you’re a teenager, it’s even more brutal.

So when high school student Daleynee got angry about a boy, she called a friend to hash it out with her.

Enter Daleynee’s dad.

Having heard her talking on the phone, he sent her the following message:

Daleynee please turn down your sad music we can still her you crying, and shut up already he was ugly.

Picture: Daleynee/Twitter


She insists that she wasn’t crying, and her dad just wanted her to stop moaning about the boy.

Daleynee told BuzzFeed:

I think he meant more of a stop whining because I was on the phone with one of my close friends for quite a while already.

He tries so hard to be hip, that’s probably the funniest thing about him

Twitter loved the dad's request too…

Others could relate...

And figured they'd have reacted the same way

The post was shared almost 10,000 times.

That boy is probably regretting whatever he did to annoy her…

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