
The internet can't get enough of this very glamorous grandmother's make over

The internet can't get enough of this very glamorous grandmother's make over

Make up artist Tea Flego and her grandmother Livia, from Croatia, are here to give you new make up goals.

Flego has always wanted to be a make up artist - even as a child, she practised on her grandma.

She told BuzzFeed:

She is the kind of grandma that was and is modern... She likes to joke, she is really kind and friendly, and recognises beautiful stuff.

She is not ashamed of her wrinkles and age. But she says, ‘Why wouldn’t I go to the nursing home ball with full makeup and look 30 years younger?’

We have to say the 'Glam-ma' results are pretty amazing.

We will never understand how this...

becomes this...

then this...

then this.

You do you, Grandma Livia.

Check out Tea's making-of video:

All images via Tea Flego/Instagram

H/T: BuzzFeed

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