Josh Barrie
Jan 31, 2016

There are countless times in Sir Terry Wogan's distinguished broadcasting career where he made us smile.
As news broke that the radio legend had died on Sunday, aged 77, from cancer, the British public let out a collective sigh of despair.
Indeed, as this tweet sums up, the nation has lost more than one great individual so far this year.
Wogan had a certain way about him. His calming voice and presence often allowed you to feel as if you were sitting with him by a warming fire, perhaps sampling tray of buttered scones, as he talked of many things.
Profilic footballer and drinker George Best probably felt that way when he was interviewed by Wogan.
Talking about the exchange afterwards, Wogan recalls seeing Best with 'glazed eyes,' noting that the former United star had probably (definitely) knocked back a fair bit of booze before strolling on stage.
While not the most poignant or serious in Wogan's armoury of classic moments, it's very funny...
More: How we feel about Terry Wogan, David Bowie and Alan Rickman, in one tweet
More: Terry Wogan announcing the wrong Eurovision winner is the best way to remember him
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