Sirena Bergman
May 11, 2019

Imagine ordering pizza one evening, sitting down about to dig in, looking forward to a relaxing dinner, when your phone vibrates and you find yourself face to face with text messages from a stranger who has your address commenting on your breasts.
This is what happened this week to Philadelphia-based writer EM Ricchini, who posted screenshots on Twitter of the messages she received from the person who delivered her food order.
In a thread, she explained that the whole debacle had made her feel understandably unsafe, and called out DoorDash, the delivery app she'd used to place the order, for their slow response.
Ricchini told Jezebel that she reported the incident to DoorDash, who responded 12 hours later saying the driver in question would no longer work for the company.
Still, Twitter users were angry that this type of sexual harassment could go largely unpunished.
HT Jezebel
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