Wil Jones
Mar 28, 2017

Andrew Harrrer-Pool/Robin Marchant/Getty Images
Robert Reich served in the Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter administrations and was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton.
Time Magazine ranked him as one of the ten most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century, and he is also a respected political commentator and author.
So it comes as no surprise that he's been keeping a close eye on the Trump administration - In in a blog post about the collapse of their Obamacare replacement, he decided to let loose.
As well as calling the replacement bill which failed to pass “terrible,” he hit at a harder truth: That after being the opposition for so long, the Republican Congress don’t know how to get bills passed.
Congress is in the hands of Republicans who for years have only said 'no'. They have become expert at stopping whatever a President wants to do, but they don’t have a clue how to initiate policy.
He continues:
Their chronic incapacity to govern didn’t reveal itself as long as a Democrat was in the White House. They let President Obama try to govern, and pretended that their opposition was based on a different philosophy governing.
Now that they have a Republican president, they can no longer hide. They have no philosophy of governing at all.
But it is Trump himself that he hits the hardest.
[The] President is an unhinged narcissistic child who tweets absurd lies and holds rallies to prop up his fragile ego.
He says that this lack of experience is rife through his Cabinet.
His Cabinet is an assortment of billionaires, CEOs, veterans of Wall Street, and ideologues, none of whom has any idea about how to govern and most of whom don’t believe in the laws their departments are in charge of implementing anyway.
Meanwhile, he has downgraded or eviscerated groups of professionals responsible for giving presidents professional advice on foreign policy, foreign intelligence, economics, science, and domestic policy.
And he doesn’t see it getting any better.
It is of course possible that Republicans in congress will learn to take responsibility for governing. It is possible that Donald Trump will learn to lead. It is possible that pigs will learn to fly.
But such things seem doubtful.
More: The election of Donald Trump may be a sign of something much scarier than we thought
More: People think this Donald Trump tweet is a huge slapdown to Paul Ryan
Watch: Trump defeated: President remains bullish despite failure to repeal Obamacare

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