Louis Dor
Sep 30, 2015
It's been a big week for Jeremy Corbyn at the Labour Party conference in Brighton.
He's addressed his first conference as leader, after which a Sky News poll said that 53 per cent could imagine him as the next prime minister, challenged David Cameron over Saudi Arabia's plans to crucify a man arrested as a teenager and confirmed his commitment to unilateral nuclear disarmament.
Now, new trend polls from Ipsos-Mori have revealed the perceptions of the public towards the party leaders for September 2015.
We've used the results for Corbyn and Cameron to see who the public associate more with certain traits - the Prime Minister or the Leader of the Opposition.
So who do you think (according to the public) is more patriotic, more out of touch with the public, more honest than most politicians?
Take the quiz to find out:
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