
Hillary Clinton is running for president, so obviously people are talking about her uterus

Hillary Clinton is running for president, so obviously people are talking about her uterus

Hillary Clinton is running for president. So obviously a psychiatrist is speculating about how, at 67, the menopause will affect that.

Forget the fact that the piece, in TIME magazine, is ostensibly flattering - you would never see an article about how Jeb Bush is a better leader because he has already reached his sexual peak. Journalist Jessica Valenti neatly sums it up in this tweet:

The article was written before Clinton officially announced she was running, but we still count it as one strike on Everyday Sexism's excellent Hillary for America bingo card.

You may want to print this out, mount it on cardboard and use it as an aid for facepalming in the run-up to the 2016 election.

More: Wikileaks thinks it had the idea for Hillary Clinton's logo first

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