
There must be an election coming up, because Nick Clegg is wearing a tracksuit and starring in Uptown Funk remixes

Can someone please tell Nick Clegg there is such a thing as bad publicity? Because judging by the past 24 hours, it's time for an intervention.

On Tuesday, the Liberal Democrat leader began his day by telling Good Morning Britain what he gets up to in his kitchen with wife Miriam and three children.

Warning: the quote below evokes a strong mental image

We do sort of dance together a bit, we were all dancing in the kitchen to All About the Bass the other day and I don't think my kids were very impressed by my dancing but I enjoyed it.

By the evening, the Lib Dems had unveiled this disturbing video of Clegg 'singing' Uptown Funk. In a post on Facebook, the party apologised to Cassette Boy - but not to viewers everywhere for inflicting the video on the world.

Warning: the video below cannot be unseen:

That's not all. On Wednesday morning Nick Clegg wore an England cricket team tracksuit during a media appearance. He was at the Oval promoting an initiative to tackle stigma about mental health in sport - but all eyes were on his unusual outfit.

Warning: the pictures below cannot be unseen:

Fingers crossed he removes it before PMQs.

More: Nick Clegg went on The Last Leg and was actually funny

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