
This model only ate 500 calories a day while working. Now she's shared what she looks like after giving it up

@lizagoldenreal / Instagram

Former model Liza Golden-Bhojwani has shared two photos that have shocked the internet.

The left photo was Golden-Bhojwani at the start of the peak of her career, where she was at her first fashion week in New York, and the size Golden-Bhojwani says she needed to be. She was booking shows and walking among models she admired. And she was existing on 500 calories a day.

But then:

After fainting one night in my apt whilst preparing one of my very low cal meals (I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly), I called it quits with the diet and workout regime I was put on.

But she said her plans to “just eat a little more” turned into a “full blown binge”.

I was craving every single food you could imagine and I was giving in to every craving even though I knew this was such an important time in my career.

With an extra inch on her hips, Golden-Bhojwani managed to book shows at Milan Fashion Week, where she received abuse online for her “fat” thighs.

She was voted as one of the six girls in the Freshman model class of 2013 by Vogue – but Golden-Bhojwani gave up on her high fashion career there and then.

I don't know why of all people I was just unable to keep up with the diets and the regimes. I thought I was weak minded, I didn't care enough, or maybe I just didn't want it enough. I beat myself up for a long time, playing it over and over again in my head how I completely failed.

So much was right there in front of me, and I just let it go because I could not let go of my worst enemy, FOOD. I let my agent down, I let clients down, and most of all I let myself down.

Then, a couple of years later, Golden-Bhojwani decided to go on a health kick, and start working out. She was eating between 800 and 1,200 calories per day. But it wasn’t enough.

I was the fittest I ever was in my entire career at this point, I had 6 pack abs, but still I wasn't fit enough for the likes of VS or other brands. It was really a struggle, as I saw so many other girls just getting there so easily, eating whatever they wanted and barely working out while I was busting my ass.

She decided to take some time to think, and booked a six-week trip to India. She ended up meeting her future husband, and moving from New York to India.

The picture on the right is me as of right now, my body as it is. Not perfect, not show ready or VS ready, not the best, but it is mine and my soul is happy. I workout 5 days a week, but there are times when I don't due to injuries, or travels. And you know what? That's just fine with me.

Golden-Bhojwani says she's coming to terms with embracing her natural body shape:

More: A plus-size model lost 250lbs. She didn't expect the backlash that followed

More: Two photos that show weight is an utterly meaningless concept

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