Jessica Brown
Dec 03, 2016

When you move house, you might expect a polite nod from your new next-door neighbour as he watches you wedge a double bed through a door. You might even be greeted with a few local takeaway menus on the doormat.
But if you’re Vice President-elect Mike Pence, who's just moved to a Washington, DC, suburb, you can expect a lovely display of rainbow flags.
You might think that sounds rather nice, but for Pence, who thinks being gay is a choice and that banning gay people from getting married isn’t discrimination but ‘God’s idea’, the welcome - from "several" neighbours - probably isn't the one he'd hoped for.
A report by local station WJLAexplains:
Before vice president-elect Mike Pence settles into Number One Observatory Circle, the home of the vice president, he's going to move into a home in the Chevy Chase neighbourhood, just for a short time. Some of his neighbours have a subtle message for him: rainbow flags.
The locals say it is a ‘friendly message’.
The resident who started the idea described the flags as "a respectful message showing disagreement with some of his thinking".
She says she hopes Pence will change his mind on his anti-LGBT views.
Here are some of the views she hopes he will change:
Pence believes in gay conversion therapy
He even wanted to divert money from a programme helping people with HIV/Aids to organisations that ‘cure’ homosexuality.
He wants to keep people in the closet
Pence supported an act designed to keep US military personally from disclosing their gender or sexual orientation openly while serving.
He supports discrimination
Last year Pence signed an act allowing business owners in Indiana – where he is governor - to discriminate against LGBT customers if they cite religious grounds to refuse them service.
Pence said laws to protect gay people at work were in conflict with people’s right to religious freedom. He said the Act :
would mean employees around the country who possess religious beliefs that are opposed to homosexual behavior would be forced, in effect, to lay down their rights and convictions at the door
He doesn't support transgender rights
Pence opposed guidance issued to schools on behalf of Obama’s administration, allowing transgender students to use the bathroom matching the gender they identify with.
Full mast, people. Full mast.
HT Gay Times
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