Mimi Launder
Oct 19, 2017
With her bubbly personality, her persuasive rallying cries and defiant human rights speeches, you'd think the world would only have room for one Melania Trump.
Just kidding, there's probably space for two or three of her.
Seriously, ask yourself - would we really notice if there was more than one Melania Trump wandering about?

Only someone with Twitter-level detective skills would have the know-how.
The conspiracy that the First Lady has a body double has been swirling round the depths of the internet for ages.
But the 'decoy' theory - as it is probably referred to by academics - rose to the surface this week after the First Lady donned sunglasses whilst her husband delivered a press conference about hurricane.
Here is her sunglasses-hidden 'decoy' versus the 'real' Melania Trump.
Picture:iStock/Pool/Alex Wong
Actress and comedian Andrea Wagner Barton shared the evidence so far on Facebook.
Trump going to great lengths to emphasise the presence of his wife?
Melania Trump wearing her signature black frames?
The subtle physical differences between the 'decoy' and the 'real' Melania Trump (if you squint)?
Very suspicious.
Is Twitter on the cusp of proving that Decoygate exists?
Yes. Almost certainly, yes.
Some people saw the funny side.
Others were deep in speculation.
Let's just gloss over the other photos from the day clearly showing that it definitely is Melania.
Picture: Getty Images/Pool/Pool
...Or her twin.
Not that we're trying to encourage any internet detectives.
More: The most awkward video yet of Donald Trump and Melania has emerged
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