
Young girl uses lemonade stand profits to buy nappies and baby wipes for mothers in need

A three-year-old girl has hit the headlines after she began selling lemonade in order to fund buying nappies for mothers who are in need of help in her local community.

Ava Lewis, of Durham, North Carolina, set up her lemonade stand at 2902 Hillsborough Road in Durham, in front of her mother's hair salon, The Lather Lounge, where people began buying gallons of lemonade instead of cups, reports ABC11.

Speaking to WTVD, Maggie Lewis, Ava's mother, said:

I wanted her to do bracelets, but she said she would rather do lemonade.

On Monday, the mother and daughter dropped off several boxes of baby wipes and some nappies at the local Good Samaritan Inn, which was operated by the Durham Rescue Mission, reports ABC 11.

Speaking to the news network, inn director Gail Mills said:

It just means the world to us to see a young person...that is thinking of others.

And is selling her lemonade to have the funds to buy the diapers and the wipes -- it just makes my day.

Such a heartwarming experience to meet little Ava and to see how her mother is teaching her at such a young age to care for others and to share her blessing with people who are having a hard time.

Lewis added that Ava has begun to be recognised in the local area and that she has even been given a new nickname.

In the interview, she said:

The lemonade baby.

You really can't top it unless I come out with some peaches.

Peach lemonade, raspberry lemonade, different kinds. 


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