Daisy Maldonado
Oct 11, 2021

Barstool Sports Dave Williams confronts John Cusack
(Twitter/Barstool Chicago)
A video of John Cusack at a White Sox game is going viral after he was confronted by Barstool Sports’ Dave Williams and questioned about his loyalty to the Chicago team.
Williams, more commonly known as “White Sox Dave,” was not happy to see Cusack — a lifelong Cubs fan — at Sunday night’s playoff game against the Houston Astros. After spotting Cusack, the Barstool Sports’ personality took it upon himself to approach the star and claimed he flips allegiances from the Cubs to the White Sox based on which team is performing better.
Of course, Williams made sure the confrontation was filmed and shared on Barstool’s Twitter.
Cusack was quick to defend himself and his ability to support both of his hometown teams — stating he grew up being a fan of both. During the arguement, Cusack reminded Williams that he actually starred in “Eight Men Out,” a movie about the Black Sox Scandal, in which eight members of the Chicago White Sox conspired with gamblers to throw the 1919 World Series. A fact that Cusack believes should allow him to be a fan of the two Chicago baseball teams.
Cusack can be heard saying in the clip, “You can’t tell me where I can go. I can like whoever I want.”
The actor then further put Williams in his place by turning the tables and quizzing him on his White Sox knowledge. Cusack began to ask Williams whether he knew who certain White Sox players from the past were to which Williams could not answer. Instead, the Barstool Sports employee responded by saying that he was unfamaliar with the players because he’s younger.
“That proves your ignorance,” Cusack replied.
Despite this, Williams continued to insist that Cusack was in the wrong for attending the game. “Half the fun about being a fan is being miserable,” Williams said.
After a while, Cusack put an end to the discussion and simply said, “We’ll have to agree to disagree,” before fist-bumping Williams and walking away.
But the heated exchange didn’t end there. Since last night, Cusack has shared a series of tweets expressing his frustration with Williams and going as far to call him a “pathetic little troll” and a “sweaty belligerent punk” who only confronted him for click bait.
In other tweets he calls Williams a child and even compares him to Donald Trump Jr.
“Not this lifetime sir ;) sone swine need to be taught or remember some basic manners and an attitude of decency towards others - we are not all viral opportunities anc moments to be used by some idiot,” read one tweet.
One thing is clear: Cusack is going to continue supporting whatever team he wants, whenever he wants — and he’s not ashamed of that.
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