
Joe Rogan shares controversial video that compares Covid vaccines to the Holocaust

Joe Rogan, the host of one of the most popular podcasts in the world, has shared a video on his Instagram page which makes comparisons between the coronavirus vaccinations and the Holocaust.

The clip, which was made by Rogan fan Samuel Rivera Films, features the podcast host and UFC commentator makes a rousing speech about “freedom” and the United States being a beacon of that ideal.

However, the one-minute 45-second video isn’t just of Rogan on his podcast. It also features numerous pieces of stock footage, designed to stir viewers’ emotions and rally behind what the 54-year-old is saying - which roughly translates to the line of thinking that politicians asking people to get the Covid vaccine is a violation of US citizens’ freedom.

To enforce this message, we are shown clips of Jewish ghettos in 1940s Europe, Adolf Hitler, the SS and a concentration camp in Majdanek, Poland, where at least 78,000 people were killed. It also features clips of former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, World War II, wildlife, Mickey Mouse and the sci-fi movie The Terminator.

“As soon as you give politicians power, any kind of power that didn’t exist previously, if they can figure out a way to force you into carrying something that lets you enter businesses or lets you do this or lets businesses open, historically, they are not gonna give that power up,” Rogan rants.

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“They find new reasons to use it. We have to protect those freedoms at all cost, whether you agree with people’s choices or not, because it is the foundation that this country was founded on: freedom.”

It should be noted that Rogan never once mentions the Nazis or the Holocaust during his speech but the overlapping of the images with his words show that this isn’t a complex metaphor to get your head around.

Due to Rogan’s popularity, the video has already been viewed more than 3 million times on Instagram alone, with many people in his comments praising what he had to say (maybe they didn’t study history?). However, some have condemned Rogan for sharing the video and for its crass analogy.

Rogan has been outspoken in his opposition to the Covid vaccines and had even encouraged “healthy 21-year-olds” to not get jabbed.

Earlier this month, Rogan contracted Covid-19 and used the controversial and unverified horse dewormer Ivermectin, amongst his medication, which he claims to have gotten from a doctor.

indy100 has contacted Joe Rogan for comment.

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