
Joe Lycett’s new art exhibition takes another brutal dig at Liz Truss

Joe Lycett’s new art exhibition takes another brutal dig at Liz Truss
Joe Lycett sarcastically praises Liz Truss for her 'reassurance' during Tory leadership …
Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, BBC

Comedian Joe Lycett opened up a new art exhibition at They Made This in London’s Covent Garden on Monday, sharing a collection of artwork created by him and his mother, Helen.

‘Lycett & Mummy’ features popular paintings from the comic such as “I drink a crisp, cold beer in a pool in Los Angeles while Gary Lineker looks on in disgust”, “Life gave you lemons and you did f*** all”, and “The Itty Bitty Titty Chris Whitty Committee.”

A limited run of four prints were also made available in the store and online, and have already sold out.

Original artwork from Lycett went on sale too, including a painting of a pair of testicles which was priced at £4.26 plus a Ritter Sport Butter Biscuit.

Joe Lycett said of the exhibition: “Despite an angry and bitter personal relationship, mum and I have a deep mutual respect for our artworks. We are delighted to share these works which should help pay for ongoing family legal disputes.”

Mum, Helen added: "Let’s have a joint exhibition,’ he said. ‘I’ll just add a few finishing touches to some of your paintings,’ he didn’t say.”

Though even more hilarious was the funnyman making another jab at Liz Truss, who will next month celebrate a whole year since becoming the shortest-serving UK Prime Minister.

"Mr Lycett previously mocked the ex-Tory leader during the very first episode of Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg last year, when he was seen cheering and heckling Ms Truss following her interview with the BBC journalist and claimed he was “actually very right-wing and I loved it [the interview]”, sparking memes all over the internet.

When Ms Truss sacked Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng following her disastrous “mini-budget”, Lycett penned one of his many tweets directed at the politician saying: “Omg can’t believe he was also part of the anti-growth coalition babe! SO right to get rid.” He added several shocked cat and bin emojis too, for good measure.

And it didn’t stop there, as Lycett thanked Ms Truss when he picked up a gong at the National Comedy Awards back in February.

“Liz Truss - couldn’t have done it without you, babe,” he joked. He even took out a whole page of Norfolk newspaper to create his own ad reassuring “babe” Ms Truss that she has his "100 per cent continued support".

Now, at the ‘Lycett & Mummy’ exhibition this week, a ceramic plate has been put on display marking Ms Truss’ turbulent tenure.

Alongside a painting of the pork market-loving MP, he wrote “Liz Truss PM. Our greatest 1.5 months”, adding in the start and end date of her premiership.

It’s not for sale, though, with a sign underneath the ceramic at They Made This claiming it is “on loan from Rishi Sunak”. Iconic.

Explaining his reasoning for mocking Ms Truss to The News Agents podcast in December last year that he’s been “very angry” with the government since the Partygate scandal.

“When they came into that room and I was sat there, I felt the swell of anger. And when I get angry, I get silly.

“I don’t shout. I get sort of like, 'How can I make this person look silly?' I'd sort of half planned to be sarcastic on it, but I hadn’t worked out any lines or anything,” he said.

‘Lycett x Mummy’ is free to visit at 66 Neal Street and is open until 1 October.

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