Daisy Maldonado
Dec 07, 2021

Jimmy Fallon, Ariana Grande and Megan Thee Stallion release ‘It Was a (Masked Christmas)’
There’s certainly never been a more accurate Christmas tune for 2021.
Ariana Grande, Jimmy Fallon, and Megan Thee Stallion have teamed up to release their song, “It Was a (Masked Christmas).”
The pro-booster Covidvaccine shot jingle features lyrics such as: "It was a masked Christmas, we stayed in the house. We covered our nose, and covered our mouth. But it's Christmas time, we’ll be in line for a booster."
Other lyrics of the pandemic-appropriate Christmas song include: "This Christmas Imma make it count, no more quarantine on the couch. This year hang that mistletoe, Imma kiss everybody that I know."
The release of the accompanying playful music video, directed by Dan Opsal, depict the trio hanging around the house, sanitizing bizarre items such as “Turkey, egg nog, candy cane,” and crouching in the laundry room for Zoom meetings.
Along with her signature “agh” ad-lib, Megan Thee Stallion raps: “Y’all know what time it is, it’s time to get those boosters.”
“Can’t get over the fact that Megan’s nails are booster shots,” one fan laughed in the comments of the music video.
Megan Thee Stallion shows off booster shot nailsYouTube/ JimmyFallonVevo
Fallon revealed on The Tonight Show, how the unlikely collar came to life, sharing that it was actually Grande’s idea to tap in the A-list rapper for the song.
“It’s basically about how last year was just rough on everybody. I wanted to say ‘it’s going to get better. It really is going to get better, trust me,’ and how can I portray that? “ Fallon said, adding, “And also think about what funny things have happened while we were in lockdown, like putting Purell on everything or going on a Zoom, Zooming your grandpa and grandma and seeing where the Wi-Fi works best. So I write this song.”
Fans have reacted with mixed sentiments to the Xmas song.
“One half of the timeline is claiming this is a sketchy type of meme song the other says it actually slaps I am scared to listen.”
One half of the tl is claiming this is a sketchy type of meme song the other says it actually slaps I am scared to… https://t.co/UMyoxOR8x4— marco (@marco) 1638890474
Many slammed the song as being ‘corny.’
“Checks must've been huge bc why would my sisters do this :/” wrote one Twitter user.
checks must've been huge bc why would my sisters do this :/ https://t.co/OqmyV08bMV— chris (@chris) 1638880690
“This is so bad like what,” wrote @moisturizeds.
This is so bad like what https://t.co/YkcjzNMnZa— isa (@isa) 1638893765
But not all of the criticism was bad.
One person wrote, “why is this a bop.”
why is this a bop https://t.co/mCl9ftCoWy— act2 (@act2) 1638864407
Others defended the purpose of the satirical song.
“The fact alot of y'all were taking this seriously lol. I loved this skit.”
The fact alot of y'all were taking this seriously lol. I loved this skit. https://t.co/dEyqAlFaiL— Who Be Eating Cookies? (@Who Be Eating Cookies?) 1638890994
“y'all so slow, it's meant for a talk show. of course it's going to be corny when that's what it's meant to be”
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