The Conversation (0)
Lowenna Waters
Jun 28, 2019

Getty Images / Twitter
Jim Corr, best known for being the male member of... erm... The Corrs, appears to be supportive of the anti-vaxx movement, and it goes without saying that people on the internet haven't taken too kindly to the whole situation.
Taking to Twitter, Jim Corr wrote:
What if we were actually meant to get mild childhood illnesses like Measles so as to help prime our immune systems into fighting much greater diseases in later life?
It goes without saying that many other Twitter users took issue with the statement:
Oh, Jim! That's a big facepalm from us!
HT The Poke
More: This doctor invented a conspiracy theory to convince an anti-vaxxer mum to vaccinate her child
More: Anti-vaxxer fundraisers banned by crowdfunding website