Evan Bartlett
Oct 21, 2015

Guardian columnist and associate editor Seumas Milne has been appointed as Jeremy Corbyn's spin doctor, challenged with making sure the new Labour leader is portrayed well in the media.
Mr Milne's official title will be executive director of strategy and communications and the announcement was made in part on Mr Corbyn's Twitter account on Tuesday evening (in which the former's first name was spelled incorrectly).
Just like the appointment of shadow chancellor John McDonnell, the addition of Milne to the Corbyn camp has not gone down well with all of those in Labour.
One Labour moderate told the Independent's Andrew Grice that Milne had never been “a Labour person” and would have been blocked in the past if he had tried to become a Labour election candidate because he does not share the party’s aims and values.
The reaction online has also been mixed:
As well as Milne's staunch anti-capitalist views, he has also been accused of making "defences of, or explanations and occasional justifications" for the actions of Joseph Stalin, Slobodan Milosevic and Iraqi troops who killed British soldiers.
After graduating from Oxford, Milne went on to become a senior figure in the Communist Party publication, Straight Left, which allegedly wanted to keep the party on a "solidly Stalinist path".
However, following time spent working at the Economist and latterly the Guardian, Milne has also been praised for challenging convention and for his erudite columns holding Western governments to account.
For all those who have criticised the appointment, there are some big names in the media world who have praised the move:
But among some of his more controversial columns for the Guardian, Milne wrote in 2004 that the Iraqis who worked with the US after the invasion were "quislings" and also appeared to justify looting in the London riots in 2011 by comparing it to the actions of big banks - the types of comments which are unlikely to go unnoticed by the Conservative attack machine.
As the Spectator's Alex Massie suggests, when it comes to Labour, "nothing is too bonkers to be unthinkable these days".
More: What Jeremy Corbyn actually said when he met Chinese President Xi Jinping
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