
Here's how Jeremy Corbyn defended giving the most senior shadow cabinet jobs to men

Two days after his election as leader of the Labour party, Jeremy Corbyn has announced the full line-up of his shadow cabinet.

For the first time, there will be more women in the shadow cabinet than men, although Corbyn has come under fire for giving what many see as the three most important roles, the so-called "great offices of state", to men - Andy Burnham (shadow home sec), John McDonnell (shadow chancellor) and Hilary Benn (shadow foreign sec).

Here's how the Corbyn camp defended those decisions on Monday afternoon:

For Labour our proudest achievement is the creation of the NHS. We are the party that delivered comprehensive education. We are the party that founded the Open University, and that established and will defend trade union and employment rights.

The so-called 'great offices of state' as defined in the 19th century reflect an era before women or workers even had the vote, and before Labour had radically changed the state.

More: Despite his 50/50 promise, Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet is still dominated by men

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