Dina Rickman
Mar 25, 2015

Jeremy Clarkson will not have his contract renewed by the BBC after an internal investigation found he punched producer Oisin Tymon. The former Top Gear presenter had subjected Tymon to an expletive-ridden rant and then assaulted him at a Yorkshire hotel during a row over steak and chips.
"During the physical attack Oisin Tymon was struck, resulting in swelling and bleeding to his lip. The verbal abuse was sustained over a longer period, both at the time of the physical attack and subsequently," the report concluded.
Here are all the people who defended Clarkson amid reports he had assaulted a colleague when the 'fracas' first came to light...
1. David Cameron
The prime minister was quick to defend his "friend" Clarkson after the news of his suspension broke, saying: “I see that he said he regrets some of what happened. All I would say - because he is a talent and he does amuse and entertain so many people, including my children who'll be heartbroken if Top Gear is taken off air - I hope this can be sorted out because it is a great programme and he is a great talent.”
2. Nancy Cameron
This week Cameron told the BBC his 11-year-old daughter Nancy had "threatened to go on hunger strike" until Clarkson was reinstated by the BBC.
3. Maria Miller
The former culture secretary Maria Miller said Jeremy Clarkson was "a legend". "The BBC needs to be better at managing its talent. I think over the years we have had other problems similar to this. There are other organisations that have to deal with larger than life characters," she told the, um, BBC.
4. Rupert Murdoch
5. Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg told the Sun earlier this week: "He isn't part of Top Gear - he IS Top Gear.
"If they even think about firing him, Britain needs to boycott the BBC until he is reinstated."
6. Piers Morgan
Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Morgan revealed he had ended his long-standing feud with Clarkson. He said that while the Top Gear host deserved much of the "opprobrium that's crashed down on him" for the 'fracas' with his producer, he believed that "Jeremy's just like pretty much every other 50-something in life".
"I don’t feel sorry for him, because he wouldn’t want us pitying a multi-millionaire TV star," Morgan wrote. "But I do empathise with him, and I hope he sorts himself out."
7. Katie Hopkins
No stranger to controversy herself, Hopkins said suspending the Top Gear presenter was "a little bit like hanging the Queen".
"The BBC is like a distant planet. Alien and out of touch," she wrote in her Sun column.
8. His co-presenter
After news of the fracas broke, Top Gear co-presenter James May said: "I think he's been involved in a bit of a dust-up and I don't think it's that serious."
9. (The former) Stig
Perry McCarthy, who played Stig for seven years, said Clarkson's suspension was a "complete over-reaction".
10. The Daily Mail
Columnist Stephen Glover said suspending Clarkson was a "toxic" move from the BBC, adding: "This petulant ploy has served only to show how popular Clarkson is."
11. A million other people
More than 1million people have signed political blogger Guido Fawkes' Change.org petition calling on the BBC to reinstate Clarkson. Reasons for signing include "Jeremy is a bastion of light in a dark PC world" and "I hate the BBC lefties".
More: Jeremy Clarkson is a legend and it's the BBC's fault anyway, says Tory MP
More: [16 ridiculous reasons people have given for supporting Jeremy Clarkson]8
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