Bethany Dawson
Mar 24, 2021

One video on TikTok has over 16k views after a self-professed life coach tells men never to date single mothers.
His ‘advice’ centres around the fact that you - the man - will “never come first”, and that you also “can not discipline” the child as it is not yours.
He then ends the video by saying “single mums are recreational use only, protect yourself and your wallet”.
It may come as no surprise, then, that viewers of this video are not happy.
The top comment of the video argues that the speaker - whose username is @RealTalkMiami - isn’t a “real man”, and rather just a juvenile.
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Another says ”Recreational use only”? Say you don’t respect women without saying you don’t respect women”.
One single mother in the comments said “as a single mom I’ll take the opportunity to say … that’s cool bro, we don’t play with boys”.
A scroll “women just exist and get attention from men” and that men have to “become higher value” to be attractive to women.”
Another video on the same account - but fronted by a different person - is captioned “Guys if you see this type of woman …. Stay away”, and it also states that you should never date a single mother due to “time”, “money” and unwanted “responsibility”.
This video has just shy of 10k views, with the top comments highlighting just how wrong this rhetoric is.
“I’m a mom and if you take this mans advice you aren’t worth it anyway. Any man who cares about me cares about my baby, if they don’t they aren’t worth it” states one commenter.
This channel often uses hashtags entitling themselves as “dating coaches” giving expert advice, but it seems they have a way to go before they reach anything outside the realm of misogynistic.
More: The best - but most confusing - dating trend that emerged in 2020
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