
These flat-Earthers try to sail to the edge of the world and it went as well as you would imagine

These flat-Earthers try to sail to the edge of the world and it went as well as you would imagine

How far would you go to prove your conspiracy theory is actually real?

One Italian couple decided to go to the end of the world... or so they thought.

The pair both believe the Earth is flat, and were planning to go on a cruise to prove their theory.

However, Ms Rona said 2020 is no time to be messing about trying to find a giant wall of ice which supposedly surrounds our totally flat planet, and the cruise was called off.

Undeterred, these enterprising flat-Earthers sold their car and set off from Venice towards Lampedusa, an island between Sicily and North Africa which they reportedly believe is where the end of the world is located.

According to Vice, the couple sold their car to buy a boat, but it didn't exactly go to plan.

They were planning to navigate from Termini Imerese, a town in northern Sicily, to Lampedusa. All this using a compass, which is ironic given they function on the basis of the Earth's non-flatness but anyway... clearly they ran into some issues because they apparently got lost, and ended up in a small island named Ustica instead.

As you can see in the map below, the expedition clearly went awry. They didn't get very far at all and appeared to be going in completely the wrong direction. Relatable, to be fair. Compasses are a nightmare.

According to directferries.co.uk, it takes about an hour and a half to get from Sicily to Ustica. More of a quick jaunt than an expedition really.

The couple were reportedly helped by a doctor at the maritime health office. They were then placed in quarantine because, you know, pandemic still going on.

But they were having none of it and tried to tried to escape not once, but twice, before giving up, succumbing to their fate in isolation, and then taking the ferry home.

It seems 2020 won't be the year that flat-Earthers are deemed victorious after all. Probably because, well, the Earth is demonstrably round.

Still, we'd be surprised if this stops them from continuing to try.

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