Louis Dor
Jun 25, 2016

Picture: LBC/screengrab
On Thursday, the UK voted Brexit, in a move that defied most of the experts' analysis, most of the economic warnings and the sitting prime minister (who has since resigned).
Now, #regrexit is a thing and people are wondering how we got here.
LBC's James O'Brien is usually a good barometer of indy100 sentiment.
On Brexit, he's just about nailed it:
Regardless of where you stood yesterday, you have to hope today that, if you voted to remain in the European Union, if you are truly frightened by the ramifications of our nation's decision to leave, if you are really looking at the worst case scenarios, you have to park that now and hope that you're wrong.
You find yourself in this really bizarre position of really, really hoping that not only that you were wrong, but the experts were wrong as well.
Strange, isn't it?
O'Brien then argued that his show has spent the last few weeks and months talking about statistics and poring over evidence.
I want to talk about feelings, because the other thing we've tried to do throughout this campaign is identify things on which we can all agree.
The single thing that we can all agree on now is that no one has a clue what happens now. Nobody has. It doesn't have to be frightening, but nobody knows what's going to happen next.
He praised the experience and advice of the governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney - the man who left the Canadian economy in relatively sure footing in the wake of the 2007-08 financial crash.
But we live in a country where a referendum has just been won by people who told us not only that experts weren't to be trusted, but also that the Governor of the Bank of England was biased.
And today we have to turn to him, as a nation, with a sense of hope and a deep sense of trust.
Essentially up is down and down is up - which would probably be good news for the markets right about now.
More:People who voted Leave as a protest vote are upset we're leaving
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