
Elon Musk slammed as Grimes’ mum begs him to let children see dying great-grandmother

Elon Musk slammed as Grimes’ mum begs him to let children see dying great-grandmother

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Tesla founder Elon Musk continues to face widespread condemnation over the treatment of his children, after the mother of Canadian artist Grimes (with whom Musk had an on-and-off relationship between 2018 and 2022) took to Twitter/X to beg him to let his three children with the musician see their great-grandmother before she passes away.

Sandy Garossino wrote on the social media platform on Saturday that her 93-year-old mum (Grimes’ – real name Claire Boucher – grandmother) is “now at end-of-life palliative care” and “yearns to see and hold Claire’s children one last time”, including youngest child Techno Machinus, whom she “has not yet met”.

She continued: “She was thrilled for the kids’ planned visit to celebrate her birthday this weekend. Today. But those hopes were crushed when the trip was canceled.

“I am alarmed to learn that the children cannot come as you are withholding them and their needed passport documents from Claire.

“I write with a grandmother’s plea, asking you to honour your agreement, return the children, and provide the documents they need to see their great-grandmother before she passes.

“Please Elon, I beg you. This is so painful for my mother, and concerning for the kids. Time is of the essence now.”

Garossino has since been flooded with support during what fellow Twitter/X users have said is a "sad" and "unimaginably difficult" time, with one slamming Musk's "rage and narcissism".

Another of Musk’s children, Vivian Jenna Wilson (whom the billionaire had with Canadian author Justine Wilson) penned a series of posts on Threads about the situation, which she described as “potentially irreversibly damaging to a child’s psyche” and a “despicable form of abuse”.

She continued: “He does not have the custody to be able to do this. Yet, since Elon has an infinite amount of funds to pool from, he has been able to successfully employ them to take their children away from the mother that they desperately require. This needs to end, now.

“Behind the scenes [Musk] is both uncaring and absent while robbing their children of a mother. Please, do not let this continue.”

According to reports in October, Grimes has sued Musk for the parental rights of the three children they had together: boys X Æ A-Xii and Techno Machinus, and a girl named Exa Dark Sideræl.

She was unfollowed by Musk on Twitter/X on Saturday, a day after she tweeted that she is “forever endlessly proud” of Wilson, who is a trans woman.

It follows Musk sitting down for an interview with controversial right-wing commentator Jordan Peterson earlier this week and claimed Vivian (he used her deadname here, which we are not repeating) was “dead” because they had been “killed” by the “woke mind virus”.

Wilson, who is estranged from the Twitter/X owner, requested her name change in legal documents from 2022, which cited “gender identity” and “the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form”.

When Musk made further comments online denying Wilson’s transgender identity and saying Wilson was “born gay and slightly autistic” and had a “love of musicals and theatre”, Wilson clapped back to say the remarks were “entirely fake”.

Musk does not appear to have responded to Garossino, or Wilson’s latest social media posts.

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