Greg Evans
Jun 15, 2019

Getty Images/iStockphoto/Twitter
A Twitter thread went viral earlier this week about a cafe in Walthamstow, north London, where a man paid £20 for a boiled egg, piece of toast and cup of tea.
However, this thread wasn't complaining about an overpriced cafe in a gentrified part of the British capital.
That couldn't be further from the truth and as the twist in the story develops you will see why this otherwise basic meal cost Twitter user, Steve Parks so much.
We'll let you discover for yourself.
So, as it turns out the £20 fee that Parks paid was just as a donation that he chose but not one that is compulsory for everyone.
You can literally pay nothing but the cafe is focused on offering an equal experience to anyone that wants to eat there and all in the name of a very good cause.
The thread has already been shared on Twitter more than 37,000 times and many people love it.
Some people also gave nods to other establishments that operate on a similar premise.
HT The Poke
More: This coffee shop owner campaigned for Ryan Gosling to visit... he finally did
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