Harriet Brewis
Mar 18, 2021

Edward Adoo has launched a social media quest to find the ‘lovely lady’ of his dreams
Edward Adoo
Have you ever crossed paths with someone and felt a spark but didn’t have the guts to say anything?
That’s precisely what happened to BBC DJ and presenter Edward Adoo during a chance encounter in a hospital lift.
The broadcaster, 41, was visiting Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital in central London on Tuesday when he believes he met his “future girlfriend”.
But, he told Indy100, he “blew his chance” and has now launched an ambitious quest to find her.
Edward, 41, was in the lift when the “lovely lady” pressed the button for the 14th floor on his behalf.
“I didn’t think there could be a connection,” he said. “We were observing covid regulations, facing the back of the lift.”
When they reached his destination, Edward “politely said thanks for pressing the button and have a nice day,” he explained.
“As I left she took her glasses off, she gave me the biggest smile and said bye. It was too late to say anything. It would be lovely to find out who she is.”
Edward, from north London, is hoping that by spreading the word the mystery woman might get in touch.
He said the rendez-vous happened at around 11.30am, and his crush was heading up to the 15th floor or higher.
He described her as 5ft6 or 7, brunette, and wearing “distinctive” glasses.
“We were in the lift alone from the 10th to the 14th floor,” he said. “But as I stepped out she turned around and said bye.
“I was blown away my radar wasn’t on. I didn’t even smile because I was being polite and sticking to Covid rules.”
If you are the distinctive glasses-wearing stranger – or have any idea who Edward’s thwarted chance at love might be – get in touch. You could just make his month...
More: 9 questions you should ask before falling in love, according to a relationship therapist
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