Narjas Zatat
Mar 26, 2017

Mike Ehrmann/Getty
United States President Donald Trump’s golf trips are making the headlines again.
This is partly because he keeps taking the weekend for them, and partly because he made it his business to criticise former US president Barack Obama for his golfing habit.
This weekend, Donald Trump brings his golfing trip tally up to twelve since his presidential inauguration some nine weeks ago.
On this particular occasion, reporter Josh Billinson from the Independent journal tweeted that the press pool had been told Trump was in meetings at Trump National.
An Instagram photo, which appears to have been uploaded by a worker at the golf club, shows Donald Trump decked out in golf gear.
He has since made his Instagram account private.
The White House has made no comment regarding the trip, which, according to NBC News was the US leader’s eighth consecutive visit to a Trump-owned property.
According to Politicoeach of these trips costs approximately $3 million (£2.4 million).
White House Press secretary Sean Spicer’s response to a suggestion that the president might want to reduce his weekend trips to save money, was:
presidents always travel.
People are not impressed.
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