Jessica Brown
Feb 04, 2017

Getty Images / Pool
Almost half of the United States thinks that President Donald Trump is moving too fast.
That could be because in only 15 days he has done quite a bit, including:
- Issued an executive order to roll back the Affordable Care Act
- Instructed the Department of Homeland Security to build a wall along the Mexican border
- Signed an executive order preventing refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries to the US
- Signed off the construction of two oil pipelines
- Reinstated a gag rule to ban US non-governmental organisations working abroad from talking about abortion
That’s all since 20 January.
Gallup surveyed Americans and found that 47 per cent think Trump is moving too fast, while 35 per cent think his speed is ‘about right’, and 10 per cent don’t think he’s acting fast enough.
This compares to a similar poll taken in February 2009, when 22 per cent of Americans thought Obama was acting too fast, compared to 63 per cent who said his speed was ‘about right’.
And back to 2017, 55 per cent of Americans disapprove of Trump’s ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, 60 per cent disapprove of the wall on the Mexican border, and 58 per cent disapprove of indefinitely suspending the US’s Syrian refugee programme.
Picture: StatistaÂ
Or, in other words, according to Gallup:
Trump is not enjoying the type of honeymoon that the American public accorded his predecessors in their first weeks in office.
Trump's initial job approval rating was the lowest in Gallup history, and a majority of Americans continue to disapprove of the job he is doing.
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