Feb 12, 2016

A student from California sparked an important debate about disablism when a note left on her car said she falsely claimed her disabled sticker.
Posted by Cameron Mcmillin on Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Cameron Mcmillin (above left) parked her car in a disabled bay, only to find the following note written on her car:
Ladies, it appears that you are both able bodied. It’s disappointing to see the misuse of that disabled placard here at Rocklin Elementary. Please reserve this spot for those who are truly less fortunate than you. Thank you.
However, what the writer of the note didn't realise was that Cameron suffers from Ehler's Danlos Syndrome; an inherited condition which affects the joints and connective tissue.
She wrote the following response on her Facebook page:
I think it's my turn to say something. Hello. My name is Cameron McMillin. Today you made me cry, but that's okay. I'd...
Posted by Cameron Mcmillin on Thursday, 4 February 2016
“It causes pain in my joints, muscles and all throughout my body, dislocated hips, knees, ankles, and ribs, heart palpitations, organ problems, multiple surgeries.” She said, “You have no idea what I go through every single day.”
There is currently no cure for EDS, and sufferers can have mild to severe symptoms.
"Next time please get to know a person before you make a comment like this. People who have Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome are never heard and I want to change that. It’s about time we gain a voice."
Cameron’s Facebook status, in which she says that the note made her cry, has since been shared thousands of times.
Many have applauded her response for emphasising the prejudice that exists within the concept of disability.
Hopefully Cameron’s message will highlight the need to alter society’s perceptions about disability; that it can be a physical, tangible illness, or something that can’t be seen.
More: This woman painted her own disabled space when the council took 6 months
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