
Danny Baker gets standing ovation in first live show since ‘racist’ royal baby tweet

Danny Baker received a standing ovation at his first live show since he posted a ‘racist’ tweet which used an image of a chimpanzee to joke about the latest royal baby.

The presenter was subject to rapturous applause when he appeared at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham less than a week after the tweet saw him fired from the BBC and investigated by the police.

The former BBC Radio 5 Live host later described the show as "one of the best nights of [his] career" and told the audience:

"When life gives you lemons, chuck them at people calling you a racist."

But not everybody was impressed.

He opened his set by addressing the allegations, admitting the offending tweet was "revolting" and "misjudged".

The post, which he quickly deleted, contained an image of a bowler hatted chimpanzee holding hands with two humans, captioned "Royal baby leaves hospital".

Mr Baker has since claimed he had "no idea" of The Duchess of Sussex's African American heritage.

Racial overtones in coverage of the Duchess of Sussex are nothing new.

In November 2016, the MailOnline​ran the headlin,: "“Harry’s girl is (almost) straight outta Compton”, which led to Prince Harry issuing a rare official statement, which said:

"Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment.

"Some of this has been very public - the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments."

Some pointed out that this would be hard for Mr Baker - a BBC presenter - to have missed.

However, some people thought that the BBC firing Mr Baker on the same day as Nigel Farage appeared on Question Time for the umpteenth time was an error of judgement.

More: People are comparing Danny Baker’s sacking by the BBC to its treatment of Nigel Farage

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