
If this Scottish granny's coronavirus advice doesn't melt your heart, absolutely nothing will

If this Scottish granny's coronavirus advice doesn't melt your heart, absolutely nothing will

Over the course of coronavirus self-isolation, many of us aren’t able to see the people we love. This is particularly sad when it’s our elderly family members, who are statistically more likely to succumb to Covid-19.

But a granny from Scotland has won the internet with some very wise words that we all should listen to.

She promised "there's no getting rid of me" in a heartwarming coronavirus lockdown video for her grandchildren.

The gran was filmed assuring her family there was no way the virus was going to get her, and told everyone they should all follow the social distancing rules.

The video of the 93-year-old was posted on Twitter by her grandchild @Islaanne1.

She said:

Hello everybody, I'm still here.

I'll tell you I'm like a bad penny, there's no getting rid of me.

She sent out a message to her grandkids wishing them well:

I hope you're keeping well and doing what you're told.

Keep to the rules and you will all be fine - it will pass.

Bye bye now, I love you all (and) think about you a lot.

People on Twitter couldn’t believe how soothing the advice is. Lots of people said that they were so moved by the clip that they planned to call their grans later that day.


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