Narjas T. Zatat
Mar 08, 2016

It’s International Women’s Day, the one day of the year where the world acknowledges the existence of sex trafficking, a gender pay gap and of the disparity between men and women in terms of access to education and health.
It is the day we celebrate all of their achievements, despite the oppression and inequality that still exists towards women around the world.
Richard Herring, comedian and all-round stand up guy has taken it upon himself to once more answer the golden question that seems to be on many-a man’s lips this day:
'But when is International Men’s Day?'
Herring has made it his mission, as he did in 2014 and 2015, to answer every single man (and errant woman) who doesn't know how to use Google.
He pointed out that having International Men's Day made everything 'equal'...
Some of the men got very angry at the lack of a 'Man's' day but Herring was quick to reassure...
Someone pointed out the 'irony' of a day celebrating women but not men...
One woman was particularly irate about the existence of a day celebrating women but not men...
She was soon informed though...
Why women?
International Women’s Day was first set up in 1911 by socialists in Britain in the hopes of advancing women’s suffrage, which they eventually received in 1918.
The UN celebrated World Women’s Day for the first time in 1975, and every year it focuses on a particular agenda. This year it is on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is a section entirely dedicated to the advancement of women around the world.
Barack Obama made a statement earlier in the day:
This gap between women’s inherent value and how many of them are treated every day is one of the great injustices of our time. On this International Women's Day, we recommit ourselves to closing that gap.
Ultimately, Richard Herring sums it up well:
A noble task.
More: It costs £70,000 to be a woman or a gay man, and this is why
More: A truly shocking percentage of the world' women were once child brides
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