Evan Bartlett
Dec 30, 2016

Any hopes that Donald Trump's administration and supporters would tone down their ugly, racist rhetoric now that he's about to walk into the White House were dashed once again this week.
The President-elect's New York campaign chair said something so disgusting about the Obamas that he was told to resign immediately.
After being asked by Artvoice - a local magazine in upstate New York - what he would most like to see happen in 2017, Carl Paladino said he would like to see Barack Obama die of mad cow disease "after being caught having relations with a Herford" and wife Michelle "return to being male" and go and live with a gorilla in a cave in Zimbabwe.
Following a backlash, Paladino insisted that his comments had "nothing to do with race"...
That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked. It’s about two progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in eight years.
But members of the Buffalo County School Board - of which Paladino is a member - clearly disagreed.
According to NBC News, the board voted 6-2 in favour of removing Paladino from his position in a meeting from which he was absent.
The station reports:
The board's decision Thursday was greeted by a loud and sustained standing ovation from the school board chambers.
Paladino, who met with Trump in New York earlier this month to advise him on the transition, has been given 24 hours to stand down or face being fired.
The businessman later retreated from his "nothing to do with race" comments, telling Buffalo Newsthat he had intended to send the racist answers to some friends, mistakenly sent them to Artvoice instead and had "never intended to hurt the minority community" by making them public.
Well okay then...
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