Harriet Brewis
Jul 15, 2021
Britney Spears was so happy about the outcome of her latest court appearance that she literally cartwheeled with joy.
The pop icon was celebrating after a judge granted her the right to choose her own lawyer to help end the conservatorship that has controlled her life for more than a decade.
The ruling came after a hearing in which the singer demanded once again that her father Jamie Spears be removed from the arrangement, which has given him power over her $60 million estate for the past 13 years.
Spears delivered a tearful testimony on Wednesday by phone – the second time she has addressed the LA court in a matter of weeks – saying: “I’m here to get rid of my dad and charge him with conservatorship abuse. This conservatorship has allowed [him] to ruin my life.”
The hearing resulted in her having a legal say in the management of her own affairs for the first time since 2008, allowing her to replace court-appointed lawyer Samuel Ingham with her own choice of representation: former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart.
The 39-year-old marked her landmark win with a joyous Instagram post, thanking her army of fans for supporting her.
Alongside a clips of her riding a horse and doing cartwheels, the ‘Toxic’ singer said: “Coming along, folks … coming along !!!!! New with real representation today … I feel GRATITUDE and BLESSED !!!!
“Thank you to my fans who are supporting me … You have no idea what it means to me be supported by such awesome fans !!!! God bless you all !!!!!
“Pssss this is me celebrating by horseback riding and doing cartwheels today !!!!”
She added the hashtag #FreeBritney.
Pop star Ariana Grande commented on her message: “YOU ARE SO VERY LOVED AND SUPPORTED.”
She also wrote on her Instagram Story: “FREE BRITNEY.”
Spears’s boyfriend, Sam Asghari, commented: “Internet is about to explode #freebritney.”

The #FreeBritney movement has long called for the conservatorship to be terminated.
Spears’s fans kept their usual vigil outside court on Wednesday, chanting their support and criticising Jamie, of whom the popstar said she was “always extremely scared.”
During the hearing, the 39-year-old stressed that she wanted a restraining order against her father and an investigation launched into him.
Speaking over the phone to the courtroom packed with reporters and fans, she revealed a string of shocking new grievances, alleging her hair vitamins and coffee had been taken from her, The Guardian reports.
“Ma’am, that’s not abuse, that’s just f***ing cruelty,” she told judge Brenda Penny between tears.
“Excuse my language but it’s the truth.” She added, “They were always trying to make me feel like I’m crazy, which I’m not.”
She also reiterated claims that she was forced to take medication against her will, saying: “I think they were trying to kill me.”

Spears also accused Jamie of taking away her driver’s licence for eight months and started crying when she recounted his all-encompassing control over her.
The star said she wanted the legal arrangement terminated, but suggested her top priority was ousting her father from his role. She conceded that she would agree to Jodi Montgomery, the licensed conservator who currently oversees her healthcare, to remain in place.
“My dad needs to be removed today and I will be happy with Jodi helping me,” she said.
Jamie’s lawyer, Vivian Thoreen, defended her client’s record, saying: “Mr Spears has been involved since day one. He has been there for his daughter 24/7. He loves his daughter and only wants the best for her.”
She then questioned the reliability of his daughter’s claims, saying: “Many of her characterisations or memories are just incorrect” and confirming that her father would not be voluntarily resigning.”

However, Spears’ new lawyer, Rosengart, urged Jamie to step down immediately, saying: “There’s a real question as to why Mr Spears does not voluntarily step aside today. Today.
“Does anybody really believe that Mr Spears’s involvement in the case is in the best interest of Ms Spears?”
Rosengart added that he would be filing a petition to call for the father’s removal: “If he loves his daughter, it is time to step aside, so she can move forward.”
Rosengart, 58, formerly worked at the Justice Department as an assistant United States Attorney in the 1990s before he was nominated to the Supreme Court.
More recently, he has worked with some of Hollywood’s biggest names, representing Steven Spielberg, Sean Penn, and Keanu Reeves, among others.
Penn, whom Rosengart represented in a defamation case against a director, told the New York Times on Sunday that the lawyer “is a tough as nails streetfighter with a big brain and bigger principles.”
Supporters will hope he fights tooth and nail for Spears and finally secures her the freedom she so desperately craves...
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