Wil Jones
Apr 20, 2017

Melania Trump/Twitter
It’s fair to say that since Donald Trump became commander in chief, his wife Melania has become a constant source of fascination for the internet.
From her sad expressions, her body language, flinching when Donald touches her, and having to remind him to pay attention during the national anthem, the web can’t get enough of her.
Writer Kate Imbach has taken this obsession to the next level though, going through all 470 of the photos the new FLOTUS tweeted between June 3, 2012 and June 11, 2015 - examining them, in a viral Medium post wonderfully titled ‘Fairytale Prisoner by Choice: The Photographic Eye of Melania Trump’.
She notes that there is only one photo of her and Donald Trump together.
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
There's just five photos of Donald and their son Baron together.
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
And just one of her and Barron.
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
Instead of family photos, there 74 shots of the same rather bleak views presumably shot from inside Trump Tower.
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
There are also 57 from inside cars, and 67 from her private plane.
Picture: Melania Trump/Twitter
Ok, maybe she just doesn't choose to share everything with the world. But the cumulative effect of all of these listless images makes it easy to imagine a bleak, depressing existence for Melania, if you are so inclined.
Imbach theorises:
Knowing what we know now, that these photographs were taken by a woman who is shirking the responsibilities of first lady in favor of suing the Daily Mail over the damage they’ve done to her “brand” by claiming she was once an escort, a woman who has the nerve to refuse to leave her home, even though that refusal comes with a $50 million annual government handout for her security costs, these photographs take on a darker edge.
They appear to be the documentation of changing seasons by a doomed recluse. Let the world fall down around her—she’s not going anywhere.
Cheer up, Melania, you're married to the President!
HT: AV Club
More: Melania Trump had to remind Donald of the National Anthem and the internet can't handle it
More: This is what Melania has to say about her sex life with Trump
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