
Amanda Holden’s pronunciation of ‘wasabi’ in new comedy is blowing viewers’ minds

E4’s new mockumentary series The Holden Girls: Mandy & Myrtle premiered on Tuesday, but viewers picked up on something bizarre — the way one of the stars pronounced the word “wasabi”

Starring Amanda Holden as Mandy and Keith Lemon star Leigh Francis as Myrtle, the comedy revolves around a grandmother moving in with her London-based granddaughter.

In a skit where Mandy introduces Myrtle to sushi, Francis’ character asks: “What’s this green stuff?”

Holden’s character responds “wasabi” — pronounced “wosabbey”.

One viewer tweeted Holden directly and said: “Amanda Holden pronouncing wasabi has blown my mind.”

The clip inspired laughs as it reminded us of Nigella Lawson’s pronunciation of “microwave” and the viral Vine of someone reading “fresh avocado” off a sign.

Although the wasabi section raised a smile, the rest of the show divided opinion. 

One viewer wrote: “Whoever greenlit this show should be imprisoned.”

The reviews weren’t all bad though, with some tweeting that it’s the best laugh they’ve had in a while.

To decide for yourself, you can catch up on the first two episodes on All 4.

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