Textbook withdrawn over ‘inappropriate’ Native American question native americansa-levelnative americansOct 24, 2021
A real life ‘Squid Game’ is coming to the UK and you could take part squid gameuksquid gameOct 23, 2021
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PM agrees women should hail a bus if they feel unsafe with an officer metropolitan policeandrew marrsarah everardboris johnsonmetropolitan policeOct 03, 2021
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Chanel the parrot whose owner went viral has gone missing again chanelpetliverpoolparrotchanelJul 10, 2021
Tributes after former England and Ipswich striker Paul Mariner dies englandipswichplymouthtributeenglandJul 10, 2021
England book semi-final place with 4-0 win – and fans can’t believe it euro 2020ukrainedenmarkenglandeuro 2020Jul 03, 2021
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Woman robbed at gunpoint during Zoom call as people watched in horror zoomsan antoniozoomJun 20, 2021
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Sheriff and his loyal tiny police dog die hours apart police dogohiocancersheriffpolice dogApr 18, 2021
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Tui accidentally assigns child’s weight to every ‘Miss’ on board it glitchtuiair accidents investigation branchit glitchApr 09, 2021
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Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trumpimmigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025