8 things Prince Philip will be remembered for the crownroyal familybuckingham palaceprince phillipthe queenbritish monarchymonarchthe crownApr 09, 2021
YouTuber records himself trespassing at SpaceX’s Starship facilities spacexelon muskyoutuberyoutubestarshipspacexApr 09, 2021
A not-so-different class: Celebrities who went to school together celebritiesoscarschoolrami malekcelebritiesApr 03, 2021
Hugely edited Madonna picture gets 90k likes in ‘sick’ insta-face fake madonnaphotoshopinstagrampeoplemake-upbeauty trendsninetiesmadonnaMar 31, 2021
Evangelical TV channel fined £125k by Ofcom over Covid misinformation ofcomconspiracy theorieschristianmisinformationpandemiccovid-19covidofcomMar 31, 2021
Britney Spears finally breaks silence about controversial documentary britney spearspop cultureframing britney spearsthe new york timesinstagramonebritney spearsMar 31, 2021
Hilarious video of mother bear trying to control her cubs goes viral bearparentingparentsanimalamericaconneticutchildrenbearMar 30, 2021
Harvard poll says 64 per cent of America fear ‘cancel culture’ threats piers morgancancel culturestudygood morning britainharvardamericansamericadatapiers morganMar 30, 2021
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Where and when can we get drunk again? A lockdown roadmap guide roadmapalcoholpeoplelockdownboris johnsoncovid-19clubbingukroadmapMar 24, 2021
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The Sims fans are freaking out because the game finally has bunkbeds the sims 4gamingtwitterthe simsthe sims 4Mar 23, 2021
Kylie Jenner responds to backlash after surgery donation saga kylie jennermoneydonationbrain surgerygofundmebacklashkylie jennerMar 23, 2021
TikToker living in ‘conscious community’ in Guatemala sparks backlash tiktoktourismretreatpeopletiktokMar 22, 2021
Americans have discovered jacket potatoes and Brits aren’t impressed americansbritish foodtwitteramerican foodchrissy teigenamericansMar 22, 2021
Donald Trump portrayed as a Buddha in ‘extreme opposites’ artwork donald trumpchinabuddhastatuedonald trumpMar 20, 2021
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Gucci designs trainers that cost just $12 but don’t actually exist guccivirtual realityfashiondigital technologynftsgucciMar 19, 2021
BTS join calls to #StopAsianHate after Atlanta salon shootings asian americanhate crimeanti-racismatlantaasian americanMar 18, 2021
Elon Musk now has the most ridiculous job title ever elon muskteslaworldbig techelon muskMar 16, 2021
Texas restaurant attacked with racist graffiti after owner speaks out restaurantgovernor greg abbottracismcovid-19graffiticnnrepublicantexasrestaurantMar 15, 2021
Harvard expert breaks down the problem with the term ‘not all men’ harvardtiktokmensarah everardfeminismwomenharvardMar 15, 2021
The double standards shown towards women and men working on OnlyFans onlyfansmoneysex workersonlyfansMar 13, 2021
Tucker Carlson fact-checked by military official over rant about women tucker carlsonarmyu.s.joe bidenmilitaryfox newswomentucker carlsonMar 12, 2021
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Pranksters hijack Piers Morgan hashtag with pictures of actual piers piers morganmeghan markletwittergood morning britainhashtagpiers morganMar 12, 2021
Ryan Reynolds says Happy International Women’s Day with an added twist ryan reynoldsworldtwitterinternational women's daychangewomenryan reynoldsMar 08, 2021
Piers Morgan branded ‘a disgrace’ over Meghan Markle comments piers morganprince harrymeghan and harry oprah interviewmeghan markleoprah winfreypiers morganMar 08, 2021
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Less ‘sexualised’ Lola Bunny in Space Jam 2 has people acting weirdly space jam 2michael jordanwarner broslebron jamesnew filmsspace jam 2Mar 05, 2021
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HBO sparks backlash for glorifying QAnon in new documentary trailer hboconspiracy theoryqanonhboMar 01, 2021
7-year-old girl forced to sell lemonade to pay for brain surgery alabamaushealthcarealabamaMar 01, 2021
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Fox News host ridiculed for weird ‘cancelling bible characters’ rant fox newsus politicsfox newsFeb 22, 2021
Ted Cruz trolled outside home with a mariachi band after Cancun trip ted cruzcancunprotesterstexasted cruzFeb 22, 2021
QAnon congresswoman fails to understand how the US constitution works qanonlauren boebertcongresswomanusqanonFeb 22, 2021
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Texas Tiktoker sleeps in car to protect pet birds after losing power texastiktokbirdspetstexasFeb 19, 2021
Pro-Trump Republican defended Ted Cruz and it backfired massively ted cruzdinesh d'souzarepublicantexasted cruzFeb 19, 2021
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Donald Trump voter 'concerned' for wife after she was detained by ICE donald trumpimmigrationdeportationdonald trumpMar 20, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025