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Even Theresa May is worried about Priti Patel’s policing bill theresa maypoliceconservativeenglandlabourpriti patelconservativeswalestheresa mayMar 16, 2021
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A word invented by ‘The Simpsons’ has been added to the dictionary the simpsonsdictionariesdictionaryspringfieldthe simpsonsMar 15, 2021
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A politician dressed as the Joker is running for office in Japan japanchibajokertokyosocietyjapanMar 14, 2021
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James O’Brien explains why controversy over Kew Gardens is ridiculous kew gardenslbcjames o'brienwoke culturekew gardensMar 12, 2021
How Biden’s speech on Covid compared to Trump’s exactly one year ago joe bidendonald trumpcoronaviruscovid-19joe bidenMar 12, 2021
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NRA mercilessly mocked after House passes Biden’s gun control bills nragun controldemocratscongressnraMar 12, 2021
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