
A man tried to kiss this female World Cup presenter live on air - she had the perfect response

While the football on the pitch in Russia has been entertaining, off-field matters haven't been as joyous.

Activists protesting about the countries homophobia have been arrested and a safe space for LGBT+ fans was shut down on the eve of the tournament.

Elsewhere, female journalists covering the tournament for various news channels around the world have been the subject of harassment from men on the street.

Last week, Colombian reporter Julieth Gonzalez Theran was grabbed and kissed by a man on camera in the city of Saransk. Footage of the incident was widely shared and condemned online.

Just days later, a similar incident has occurred to Brazilian reporter Júlia Guimarães, as she reported from Yekaterinburg on Sunday.

Guimarães was about to begin her report when a man wearing glasses and a navy blue suit jacket appeared from nowhere and attempted to kiss her on the cheek.

She managed to pull away and immediately began to shout at the man for his actions.

Guimarães, who works for the Brazilian stations TV Globo and SportTV said to the man:

Don't do this! Never do this again.
Don't do this, I don't allow you to do this, never, OK? This is not polite, this is not right.
Never do this to a woman, OK? Respect.

Guimarães has also given a short statement on Twitter.

This roughly translates as:

It's hard to find the words... Luckily, I have never experienced this in Brazil.

Over here it has happened twice. Sad! Shameful!

Speaking to Globo Esporte, she explained that she had also been harassed during the opening game of the World Cup between Russia and Saudi Arabia on 14 June in Moscow, and had been subject to aggressive looks and offensive songs during her time in the country.

She is quoted as saying:

It's horrible. I feel helpless and vulnerable.

This time I responded but its sad people don't understand why people feel they have the right to do that.

Guimarães has received lots of support online following the incident, mostly from her fellow sports journalists.

Sadly, this type of attitude towards female sports journalists is not uncommon.

Just two months ago, Mexican reporter Maria Fernanda Mora hit a man with her microphone after she was groped after a football match.

Elsewhere, former footballer Jason Cundy was yesterday accused of sexism after appearing on Good Morning Britain and stating that he didn't like hearing female football commentators on TV because their voices are too "high-pitched".


More: Women are sharing stories of when they've protected one another from harassment to fight back

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