
These incredible images show UAE’s plan for a city on Mars


'Mars 2117' is the UAE's ambitious plan to design, build, and populate a colony on Mars in a century.

The vice president of the UAE and ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum made the announcement at the World Government Summit on Tuesday.

He also tweeted these glorious artistic impressions of the cities

UAE, renowned for its futuristic cityscapes in Dubai hopes to partner with other nations in the effort.

Speaking at the summit, Sheikh Mohammed said:

The new project is a seed that we plant today, and we expect future generations to reap the benefits, driven by its passion to learn to unveil a new knowledge.

The landing of people on other planets has been a longtime dream for humans.

Our aim is that the UAE will spearhead international efforts to make this dream a reality.

Emirati engineers, scientists and researchers unveiled concept designs for a Mars city. The plan which was shown during the summit, focused on the transport, power production and food provision that would form much of the lifestyle on Mars.

In addition they addressed the infrastructure works and materials used for the construction of the city.

Speaking to CNBC, Saeed Al Gergawi of the World Government Summit's science and research committee, said:

The city is roughly the size of Chicago. It has a population of 600,000.

Before man even reaches the construction stage, the UAE intends to create a sound knowledge base.

Phase one of the plan will include inculcating the scientific breakthrough required to conjure up colonisation plans.

According to Dubai Media:

The project will start with an Emiratis scientific team and will be extended to include international scientists and researchers, in addition to streamline the human efforts in term of exploring and settlement of the red plant.

The UAE already launched a Mars probe project in 2015, and the project is intended to land on the surface of the Red Planet by 2021.

HT Science Alert

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