Jordan Waller
Aug 31, 2019

Getty / Twitter
The CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey had his account hacked on Friday by a group calling themselves The Chuckle Squad and people think it has worrying implications for Trump.
According to the BBC the hackers gained access to Dorsey’s account using a technique known as ‘simjacking’, where an existing phone number is transferred to a new SIM card.
The attack lasted around 15-minutes, during which a flurry of offensive tweets were unleashed, many with racial and antisemtic undertones.
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Whilst the hack could have arguably been a lot worse, people on social media are now speculating about what would happen had the US president been hacked instead. Noting that if it’s possible to get into the account of the CEO of the social media company, it wouldn’t be a great leap to also break into Trump’s account.
According to Insider, Trump himself also acknowledged such a threat but in typical fashion brushed it off saying:
Well, I hope they're not hacking my account," he said, according to a pool report. "But, actually, if they do, they're not going to learn too much more than what I put out, right? Shouldn't be too bad.
Which isn't the most comforting response from one of the most powerful men in the world.
As expected there were the usual jokes.
But in the midst of it all, people were also genuinely worried about the implications.
Donald Trump's twitter account was previously compromised in 2017 after a rogue Twitter employee deactivated his account for roughly 11 minutes.
Hopefully we'll never see the day where such a thing happens and the culprits aim to do more than just silence the president.
MORE: Trump had a meeting with Twitter to ‘complain about how many followers he has
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