Lowenna Waters
Jan 01, 2019
Oh, Donald Trump, it seems you can't even say 'Happy New Year' right. Sigh.
On Monday, the president of the United States sent out a New Year's message to his followers that didn't quite strike the joyful, goodwill to all men vibe that the New Year is synonymous with.
Instead, it came across as somewhat self-pitying, with a dollop of passive aggression. Ah, just what we need to see in 2019!
In a short clip posted to his Twitter account, the president said:
While I’m at the White House working, you’re out there partying tonight. But I don’t blame you.
Enjoy yourselves. We’re going to have a great year. Have a really, really happy new year.
Needless to say, people were quick to mock the bizarre message.
Some offered their heartfelt condolences.
Others sent their personal best wishes to the president - in the form of jail and impeachment.
Some were quick to point out Trump most certainly isn't the only one working on New Year's Eve.
While others thought the president should be familiar with detention while others are free.
And even offered some tips on how to govern.
All in all, it backfired - badly. Ouch.
More: Trump tried to use wall around Obamas’ house to argue for his border wall, and it backfired badly

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