Matthew Champion
Apr 09, 2015

This month it was reported, by Knight Frank, that there are 172,850 ultra-high net worth individuals on the planet, the one per cent of the one per cent, with fortunes of at least $30million.
A separate report issued last year from Credit Suisse didn't break down the millionaires into such detail, but compared the amount of wealth that the 35million richest people in the world owned with the other 7.2billion people.
Our friends at Statista modelled both below in what we dub 'the four most depressing pyramids you are likely to see today'.
Yes, those two green pyramids are the same, the one on the right is when it's compared to the population of the rest of the world.
If that wasn't depressing enough, according to reports earlier this year, the wealthiest 80 people in the world now own more than the poorest 50 per cent, while Oxfam reports that by next year, the one per cent will actually be wealthier than the remaining 99 per cent.
More: [World's richest one per cent will soon own same as poorest 99 per cent]5
More: [Presenting the best pie chart of the past 4,500 years]6
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