
This YouTuber applied 100 layers of foundation to her face and the results were gruesome

Picture: Jeely/YouTube Screengrab
Picture: Jeely/YouTube Screengrab

A YouTube star has put the fear into five million viewers by applying 100 layers of foundation to her face. The effect is horrifying and a warning about the damage it can do to your skin.

Jeely describes her channel with the sentence, 'I'm weird af'. This stunt, in which she puts on 100 layers of foundation is not her first foray into the extreme. She previously made a video in which she applied 100 coats of mascara. She credits other YouTube users as her inspiration for the experiment.

Obviously 100 layers is excessive, she was trying to make a point. Jeely had to use a hairdryer half way through to dry the foundation.

At first she looks a little odd.

Picture: Jeely/YouTube

Then completely golden.

Picture: Jeely/YouTube

Then like the robot police from THX 1138 (1971)

Picture: Jeely/YouTube

Picture: THX1138/YouTube

When Jeely removed the foundation, you could see how much it had irritated her skin.

Picture: Jeely/YouTube

She said:

It really looks like I'm sun burnt. Look at my nose and my cheeks!

Picture: Jeely/YouTube

For the full video, take a look here.

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