The second edition of this iconic posters is even more melancholic than the last.
British Artist Chris Barker has created another brilliant take on the iconic album cover to the Beatles' 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band', showing all of the celebrities we have lost in 2017.
In 2016, the year of the Panama Papers, Brexit, and Donald Trump, Barker created this cover.
2017 is very different, as the year of the Paradise Papers, Brexit, and Donald Trump.
Picture: Chris Barker
Posting the image to his Twitter, Barker commented:
Seems as good a time as any to post this. #sgtpepper2017.
Doubly iconic, 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Sgt. Pepper.
Among the famous faces commemorated are Hugh Hefner, Adam West, Gordon Kaye, Sir Bruce Forsyth, and Fats Domino.
In the background on the top left, looms the Mandalay Bay Hotel, the scene forever associated with Stephen Paddock's gun massacre of at least 58 people.
Also in the background are palm trees blown by the multiple hurricanes and tropical storms that have ravaged the world in 2017.
Barker told indy100 why he decided to create the piece again.
I said I would never ever do this again but then I realised I could use the meme to deliver a different message about climate change and how we need to start thinking about the lasting effect man is having upon the world.
For more of Barker's work click here.
More: This poster of celebrities the world has lost in 2016 is just heartbreaking​