Roisin O'Connor
Aug 25, 2016

Hopefully you saw indy100's live coverage of the protest ‘beach party’ taking place outside the French embassy in London on Thursday.
Women wearing burkinis, swimsuits, bikinis and everyday clothes stood in front of a pop-up beach to take a stand against the ongoing ban on the wearing of burkinis in some towns in France.
While we were there we spoke to Aina Khan, 25, who lives in London. She gave a clear, concise argument against the French burkini ban which is being enforced in various seaside resorts and other public swimming areas.
Here’s what she had to say:
It’s so great to see women of every creed and colour standing here in solidarity with Muslim women, because this is not only an issue of Islamophobia but also one of misogyny.
Women’s bodies have always been used historically as battlegrounds by bigots to wage their wars on, and with the attacks that have happened in France it’s a perfect storm for bigots to set their agenda, to have this ammunition. Certain people think that Islam is inherently the problem, and so anything remotely associated with that – the hijab or a burkini – 'Get rid of it! Amputate them from society.'
It’s like people think there’s this Islamic plague that’s going to take over. This is what happens when bigotry and racism goes covert – they can’t articulate it so no one can come up with a legitimate argument for the ban. I own a burkini, I’ve owned it for the last year, and when I walk onto a beach or in a public swimming pool I don’t think ‘I’m oppressed’ – I bought it of my own volition – I chose to buy it based on my own religious convictions. No one has dictated that to me. And when France goes on and on about liberté, egalité, fraternité (or in this case sororité)… it’s so antithetical to what they’re preaching.
Surely you should try and accommodate every single faith regardless of what it is, as long as it’s not causing discord within communities… come on?! Seriously.
The burkini ban in France has proven hugely controversial, with campaign groups and individuals condemning it for merely exacerbating tensions over Islam in the country.
France's State Council is now set to scrutinise the ban after human rights groups said it was a "serious and illegal attack on numerous fundamental rights".
More: When Fox News thinks the burkini ban is ridiculous, you know it's gone too far
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