Evan Bartlett (@ev_bartlett
May 08, 2015

The understatement of the election is that the Lib Dems have had a bad night. Scores of MPs have lost their seats, including many senior figures, and Nick Clegg’s future as leader looks fraught.
To add to their misery, every time a candidate fails to take 5 per cent of the vote in a constituency, they lose their £500 deposit. The Lib Dems have lost a lot.
With all the votes in, we calculate that the Lib Dems have lost 334 deposits - or £167,000.
In fact, with all that money, they could have put 18 students through university for a year (on the current fees), or 55 under the one before they came to power.
Here’s a list of all the constituencies the Lib Dems stood in and got less than 5 per cent of the vote:
Aberavon Aberconwy Aberdeen North Aberdeen South Airdrie & Shotts Aldridge-Brownhills Alyn & Deeside Amber Valley Angus Arfon Ashton-under-Lyne Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock Ayrshire Central Ayrshire North & Arran Barking Barnsley Central Barnsley East Barrow & Furness Basildon & Billericay Basildon South & Thurrock East Bassetlaw Batley & Spen Battersea Bedford Bethnal Green & Bow Bexleyheath & Crayford Birkenhead Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham Erdington Birmingham Ladywood Birmingham Northfield Birmingham Perry Barr Bishop Auckland Blackburn Blackley & Broughton Blackpool North & Cleveleys Blackpool South Blaenau Gwent Bolsover Bolton North East Bolton South East Bolton West Bootle Boston & Skegness Bradford South Bradford West Braintree Brentford & Isleworth Bridgend Brigg & Goole Brighton Kemptown Brighton Pavilion Broxbourne Broxtowe Burton Bury North Bury South Caerphilly Cambridgeshire North East Cannock Chase Cardiff North Cardiff West Carlisle Carmarthen East & Dinefwr Carmarthen West & Pembrokeshire South Castle Point Chatham & Aylesford Chipping Barnet Chorley Clacton Cleethorpes Clwyd South Clwyd West Coatbridge, Chryston & Bellshill Copeland Corby Coventry North East Coventry North West Coventry South Crawley Crewe & Nantwich Croydon Central Croydon North Cumbernauld, Kilsyth & Kirkintilloch East Cynon Valley Dagenham & Rainham Darlington Dartford Daventry Delyn Denton & Reddish Derby South Derbyshire Mid Derbyshire North East Derbyshire South Dewsbury Don Valley Doncaster Central Doncaster North Dover Dudley North Dudley South Dumfries & Galloway Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale Dunbartonshire West Dundee East Dundee West Dunfermline & West Fife Dwyfor Meirionnydd Ealing North Ealing Southall Easington East Ham East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow East Lothian Edinburgh East Edinburgh North & Leith Edinburgh South Edinburgh South West Edmonton Ellesmere Port & Neston Elmet & Rothwell Eltham Enfield North Enfield Southgate Erewash Erith & Thamesmead Exeter Falkirk Feltham & Heston Finchley & Golders Green Fylde Garston & Halewood Gedling Gillingham & Rainham Glasgow Central Glasgow East Glasgow North Glasgow North East Glasgow North West Glasgow South Glasgow South West Glenrothes Gower Gravesham Great Yarmouth Hackney South & Shoreditch Halesowen & Rowley Regis Halifax Halton Hammersmith Harlow Harrow East Harrow West Hartlepool Hastings & Rye Hayes & Harlington Hemel Hempstead Hemsworth Hendon Heywood & Middleton High Peak Hornchurch & Upminster Houghton & Sunderland South Hove Hyndburn Ilford North Ilford South Inverclyde Ipswich Islwyn Jarrow Keighley Kettering Kilmarnock & Loudoun Kingswood Kirkcaldy & Cowdenbeath Knowsley Lanark & Hamilton East Lancashire West Lancaster & Fleetwood Leeds Central Leeds East Leeds West Leicester East Leicester South Leicester West Leicestershire North West Leigh Lincoln Linlithgow & Falkirk East Liverpool Riverside Liverpool Walton Liverpool West Derby Livingston Llanelli Loughborough Louth & Horncastle Luton North Makerfield Maldon Manchester Central Manchester Gorton Mansfield Merthyr Tydfil & Rhymney Middlesbrough Middlesbrough South & Cleveland East Midlothian Milton Keynes South Mitcham & Morden Moray Morecambe & Lunesdale Morley & Outwood Motherwell & Wishaw Na h-Eileanan an Iar (Western Isles) Neath Newark Newcastle-under-Lyme Newport West Norfolk North West Norfolk South West Normanton, Pontefract & Castleford Northampton North Northampton South Norwich North Nottingham East Nottingham North Nottingham South Nuneaton Ochil & South Perthshire Ogmore Old Bexley & Sidcup Oldham West & Royton Paisley & Renfrewshire North Paisley & Renfrewshire South Pendle Perth & North Perthshire Peterborough Plymouth Moor View Plymouth Sutton & Devonport Poplar & Limehouse Preseli Pembrokeshire Preston Pudsey Rayleigh & Wickford Reading West Redditch Renfrewshire East Rhondda Rochester & Strood Rochford & Southend East Romford Rossendale & Darwen Rother Valley Rotherham Rutherglen & Hamilton West Salford & Eccles Scarborough & Whitby Scunthorpe Sedgefield Sefton Central Selby & Ainsty Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough Sherwood Shipley Sittingbourne & Sheppey Slough South Holland & The Deepings South Ribble South Shields Southampton Itchen Southampton Test St Helens North Stafford Staffordshire Moorlands Staffordshire South Stalybridge & Hyde Stevenage Stirling Stockton North Stockton South Stoke-on-Trent Central Stoke-on-Trent North Stoke-on-Trent South Stourbridge Stretford & Urmston Stroud Sunderland Central Swansea East Swindon North Swindon South Tamworth Telford Thanet North Thanet South Thurrock Tooting Torfaen Tottenham Tynemouth Tyneside North Uxbridge & Ruislip South Vale of Clwyd Vale of Glamorgan Wakefield Wallasey Walsall North Walsall South Walthamstow Warley Warrington North Warwickshire North Washington & Sunderland West Waveney Weaver Vale Wellingborough Wentworth & Dearne West Bromwich East West Bromwich West West Ham Westminster North Wigan Wirral South Wirral West Wolverhampton North East Wolverhampton South East Wolverhampton South West Worcester Workington Worsley & Eccles South Wrekin, The Wyre Forest Wythenshawe & Sale East Ynys Mon
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