
These are 8 of the weirdest flags the world has ever seen

These are 8 of the weirdest flags the world has ever seen

Because vexillology is pretty wild...

1. Mozambique

The only national flag in the world to feature a modern assault rifle.

The AK-47 is supposed to represent defence and vigilance in a country that was beset with civil war for over a decade.

2. Hawaii

Despite never being part of the British Empire, Hawaii still bears the Union Jack in its top corner.

Legend has it that King Kamehameha was so enamoured with the design of the Union Jack, after he was given one by explorer George Vancouver as a gift, that he decided to adopt it as part of the islands' official emblem.

3. Drnis

The small Croatian town of Drnis adopted the symbol of St Roch as its flag in 2000.

According to Christian legend, the small dog pictured saved St Roch by licking his wounds and providing him with a small loaf of bread.

4. Nepal

The only national flag not to be quadrilateral. Classic Nepal.

5. North Caucasian Emirate

(Picture: Wikimedia Commons)

A small republic for just six months during the Russian Civil War of 1917-22, the North Caucasian Emirate's flag featured this cutesy (and presumably unintended) smiley face.

6. Sicily

The Sicilian flag bears three legs in the shape of a triskelion which is supposed to represent the three corners of the island.

The flag was first adopted in 1282 and therefore is thought to predate the similar design of the Isle of Man's flag.

7. Antarctica

The map of Antarctica, although unofficial as the continent is not a nation state, was designed by British vexillologist (aka flag expert) Graham Bartram.

The plain white outline supposedly represents neutrality for a continent that is subject to numerous territorial claims.

8. Bermuda

Bermuda's flag bears the British red ensign and a coat of arms that shows the 17th century ship Sea Venture that was deliberately crashed by Admiral George Somers in a bad storm.

But the flag also bears an ironic resemblance to the Atlantic island's reputation for being a hotspot for lost ocean vessels and aeroplanes.

Pictures via Wikimedia Commons

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